A body-mind approach to physical therapy treatment....
because your mind is in a body and your body has a mind
At Integrative Physical Therapy (IPT), a body-mind, whole person approach to physical therapy for persistent pain, pelvic health / pelvic floor and orthopedic conditions is taken. Treatment is centered around the understanding that pain is a complex construct of our nervous system. Traditional physical therapy modalities such as therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and body mechanics training, are used within this understanding. These are combined with strategies to improve nervous system health. A psychologically informed approach that centers around active listening and goal setting, as well as learning the science of what happens when we have pain is used. Personalized, concrete strategies for pain management are given with the goal of returning to your fullest life.
We welcome all clients regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability.
It is our intention to provide inclusive, gender affirming, and trauma-informed environment for care.
Want to know more about this? Please go here.
​Treatment with Dr. Michelle Downing (she/her) is
available for the following conditions:
Orthopedic problems (pain and injury)​
shoulder, elbow, wrist
hip, ankle, knee
pelvic and spinal instability
low back, neck, sacroiliac joint
Nerve pain and nerve disorders
herniated cervical or lumbar disc
nerve crush injury
other nerve pain
Pelvic health and pelvic floor related conditions
pelvic floor pain
urinary and fecal incontinence
pelvic organ prolapse
Prenatal and postnatal care
pelvic floor rehabilitation
diastasis recti
return to daily life or sport
Persistent pain conditions
complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
any pain which lasts longer than normal tissue healing or has not fully recovered with traditional physical therapy techniques
Integrative Physical Therapy
305 St. Paul St. Suite 321
Burlington, VT
Tel (802)557-1349
Fax (802) 321-5382